2013-2014 Skip to main content



1,331 MPG
Second Place SAE Competition


Devan Anderson, Joseph Blanch, Jason Cardell, Jason Damm, Ryan Faber, Tyson Grigg, Joshua McCord, Cory Newton, Alan Reintjes Coach: Dr. Jerry Bowman


The 2014 BYU SMV Team fabricated a world-class, lightweight, carbon fiber vehicle body and integrated composite components, including a foam-core frame, stiffening ribs, a firewall and an engine mount plate. Additionally the team incorporated front wheel attachments and rear forks into the layup, and they achieved an aerodynamic surface finish utilizing professional fabri-cation techniques. Students greatly enhanced engine control and data-gathering by installing, wiring and developing a new engine control unit, pow-er distribution center and data acquisition program. The vehicle features two completely redesigned, lightweight fuel systems to accommodate the two competitions’ requirements. The team pioneered a carbon fiber tiller steering system which includes a wide range of adjustability. The vehicle includes world-class bearings, lubricants, wheels and tires.